Hey people I'm really sorry I couldn't update yesterday....This is what happened.
We woke up at about 7:30 and drove to Chicago. There is a time change there-- 1 hour early. Our

plane was scheduled to leave at 5:30 Chicago time (6:30 Cincinnati time) and get to Alaska at 12:30, 8:30 Alaska time. Then, our plane got postponed twice, and it ended up we didn't leave until 7:05 Chicago time (8:05 Cinci time) and we didn't get to Anchorage, Alaska until 10:30 Alaska time--2:30 Cincinnati. I stayed up the whole plane ride. The weird thing was, the sun didn't start to set until about midnight in Alaska. We got our rental car, and headed to a hostel (free wi-fi-- thank god!!!). We didn't get asleep 'till about 12:30 a.m. Alaska time-- 4:30 a.m. Cincinnati time.

When I woke up, luckily, I was already adjusted to he time change, because since I was up so late I didn't wake up till 8:30 AK time, 12:30 OH time. Anchorage is great. The first thing we did is went on a nature trail, where we saw a bunch of different birds that I've never seen before. I spotted a Junco later on, but didn't get a very good picture.
Then we went out for lunch to the Middle Way Pub. After that, we went to Flat Top Mountain, and climbed it--it's approximately 6000 feet tall! The trail wasn't that bad, until you were about 97% there, when the trail stopped and you had to climb up rocks. What was pretty freaky was we saw a cute little white dog in front of us, and it's owner had cut off the trail, went through the ice near the top of the mountain, and

went to a ledge. The poor dog tried to follow him, but it slipped and started skidding down the ice! Luckily, (thank god!!!) it was smart and managed to stop itself and somebody put a leash on it.

The sight at the top was completely amazing-- you could see the whole city and a lot of other mountains. After we finished, we went to 'Moose's Tooth' (pizza place) and my mom ordered an...um...odd pizza. Long story short, she ate 10 cloves of garlic. Got to go now, I'm getting sick of my mom and brother's snores so I might go to sleep...it's like 11:00 AK time. We are leaving Anchorage tomorrow.
Whose the dude in the picture? He kinda looks like Mathew (S). Wait, is that you??