We left Anchorage for Matanuska. When we got there, we hiked a glacier. It

was easily the most beautiful place I've ever seen. We were surrounded by ice, and in the backround there were trees and snow-capped mountains. We had to wear crampons, those things you attach to your boots that have spikes on the bottom. There were three kinds of ice: white, black, and blue. I learned a ton. We also saw a plant that was famous and poisonous because the main character of the

non-fiction book and movie Into The Wild.

There were crevices in the ice that were really big, so you had to be careful. When we left, we drove for three hours to Talkeetna. We got there really late, and we didn't eat dinner till like 9:30, and unfortunately I didn't get to edit my blog till today because my mom had to edit hers.
Wow! Your pictures are amazing. It sounds like a great time. We're looking forward to all of your updates.